Monday, December 8, 2014

OHV MEETING ALERT - Attend OHMVR Commission Tour at Pismo (Dec. 11) and Full Commission Meeting (Dec. 12)

*** Update - 12/8/14 4:30 pm - Outdoor Beach Tour CX'd due to Weather - Due to weather warnings put out by the National Weather Service, the December 11, 2014, Oceano Dunes SVRA tour has been relocated indoors to the Oceano Depot, 1650 Front Street, Oceano, CA, beginning at 9:00 am.

I may still try and get there about 2pm on Wed. and do a pre-storm tour of the SVRA.  Let me know if you will be there on Wed. for the pre-storm tour.  Send RSVP to:

The Recreation HQ would like to invite all interested OHVers to attend the CA OHMVR Commission tour of Oceano Dunes SVRA at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, December 11, 2014 and the OHVMR Commission meeting on Friday, December 12, 2014 Friday, 8:30 a.m. – until adjournment, Marie Callender’s Conference Room, 2131 Price Street, Pismo Beach, CA 93449.

Link to Official OHMVR Commission Announcement

Link to Dec. 12 OHMVR Commission Agenda

This will be a great opportunity for OHV interests to attend the commission meeting to learn about important issues such as the DRECP, new SVRA acquisitions, federal land agency reports, etc.

The Recreation HQ will be there both days.  Please look for the BRC's land use F250 and QWR’s official SxS (Teryx 800) at the tour and meeting.

This is your program and it is important for you, if possible, to attend and let the OHMVR commission hear your views.

See you there!

Questions?  Send email to:

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Are you "Trail Proud?"

As I enter 25 years of service with BRC and QWR celebrates its 5th year anniversary in 2015, I believe that OHV has a lot to be proud of.

OHV is no longer relegated to the political sidelines like we were during the Spotted Owl battle in the early 1990s.  Motorized recreation has matured and now joins other public land stakeholder groups as a respected and important member of the land use equation.

Being “Trail Proud” is a term that OHV should consider adopting as a way to express our passion for the sport and to codify our belief that responsible motorized recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas is here to stay.